From sun to sun 1982-2018 Free Online Biography Streaming openload english subtitle Full Length

From sun to sun 1982-2018 Biography Streaming openload english subtitle Full Length


Directed by: Jaime Villena
runtime: 28 min
Writers: Jaime Villena
Synopsis: The short film 'From Sun to Sun 1982-2018' tells a true story, the history of a forgotten movie in the corner of an old closet and rescued 30 years later by the director himself. The anecdote of this short film is that the author of the forgotten and recorded in super 8 film 35 years ago is Alejandro Villena, father of the director, who three decades later has finally been able to finish his film. In it you can see unpublished images of the last years of life of the great spanish painter Antonio López Torres, a humble artist and lonely character who decided to put aside the fame to enjoy what he really liked, paint. The documentary maker tells the story based on his memories

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